Channel: How does an earthen pot keep water cool? - Physics Stack Exchange
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Answer by Emilio Pisanty for How does an earthen pot keep water cool?

Evaporative cooling works by removing the high-velocity tail of the kinetic energy distribution. That is, only the fastest molecules escape the liquid, leaving the rest to thermalize at a lower...

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Answer by Siva for How does an earthen pot keep water cool?

Imho, this process is driven not by energy considerations but by kinetic considerations. That should be why it naively seems weird that water absorbs heat from a cooler object and evaporates. Note:...

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Answer by RedGrittyBrick for How does an earthen pot keep water cool?

Latent heat of evaporation cools the pot in the same way it cools your skin. If the pot is then at a lower temperature than the water in it, heat energy will be transfered to the pot from the water in...

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How does an earthen pot keep water cool?

I understand that evaporative cooling takes place thanks to small pores contained in the pot and that allow some water to go through and evaporate. However I couldn't understand clearly whether water...

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